Second wave of Covid19 has left indelible mark in the lives of many. It had taken the lives of many doctors and nurses and the affected and infected were growing in numbers every day after day but it did not stop the medical team from carrying out their daily activities. They were extraordinary in their service. They served the people at the risk of their lives. They were standing with hope to give hope to the hopeless. They brought the situation to stable. They hadtaken important responsibilities in providing instantaneouscare to the affected patient, bringing awareness to the society to safeguard oneself from the virus andarranging vaccination camp to every tribal community in and around Yercaud. In this hard time the frontline workers have taken huge responsibilities to build and support the community from their restless and humble services. Hence, Shevaroyhills Tribal Development Institute (STDi) a wing of SPS India foundation(SPS) has expressed its gratitude and admirations to thefrontline warriors for their self-sacrificing service all through the time of this pandemic.

Therefore, on July 22, 2021 we gathered the whole medical team consisting of doctors, Nurses, health inspectors and Aashas of Shevaroyhills at vazhavandhi. Fr. Selvakumar, the director of STDi welcomed and encouraged these frontline warriors and thanked them on behalf of the organization and the people of the hill. They were all happy that their work was recognized. As a token of gratitude all of them were given medical kits. Then, The Block Medical Officer Mr. Thompson underlined thecontribution made by STDi- the Retreat-Don Bosco during the time of pandemic. He recalled the services rendered by the organization during the time of pandemic and thanked SPS India Foundation for making a great impact in the lives of the people. The programme was also graced by the presence of Fr. Abraham, the administrator of the Retreat – Don Bosco and Mr. Gunasekaran, the former BMO.