The Retreat Don Bosco organized the annual oratory Day on 26th March 2023 from 10. 00 a.m. to 3. 30 p.m. at the Retreat – Don Bosco. The event’s main purpose is to honour and unite the youth who beautify Oratories. It was well planned day, and 350 youngsters participated in this event.

Resource person Mr Victor animated the youth on overcoming drug addiction in the morning from 10. 30 a.m. to 11. 20 a.m. After this, the event had its official inauguration, during which the chief guest of the event, Fr. Arul Maran, the Rector of the community, spoke about the importance of oratories. After that, youth were given common instructions for playing the fate games. The fete games started at 11. 40 a.m. and went up to 1. 00 p.m. The youth participated in the fete games, won some games and collected winning coupons. With winning coupons, they collected valuable prizes such as Cricket bats, carom boards, volleyball, football, volleyball net and other sports and stationary materials. The day ended with lunch distribution for all who came for the oratory day celebration and meeting with the oratory leaders.