MEDICAL SUPPORT TO KALAIGNAR’S THIRUKUVALAI (20.06.2021).Having received a message for Support from Government Hospital of Thirukuvalai. We immediately responded sending sets of medical equipment’s, N95 masks and gloves. It was done last week. The doctors and nurses are very happy and grateful with our timely assistance. We appreciate the highly committed staff who walk extra miles to protect people. The hospital was opened by KALAIGNAR himself on 15.05.1999. The inscription at the treatment room is very touching in KALAIGNAR’S words.
“மருந்துஇல்லாமலோஅல்லதுமருத்துவர்இல்லாமலோஒருகுழந்தையோஅல்லதுஒருமனிதஉயிரிழப்போஏற்படுமானால்அதனைப்பெரிதும்அவமானமாகக்கருதுவேன் (மாண்புமிகுமுதலமைச்சர்கலைஞர்).”
“IF WITHOUT MEDICINE OR MEDICAL PERSON, A CHILD OR A HUMAN BEING DIES, I CONSIDER IT AS A HUGE SHAME.” (Honourable Chief Minister KALAIGNAR). Thank you, dear donors, for enabling us to extend our support beyond the hills. Fr. Raj Mariasusai the Director of SPS INDIA FOUNDATION coordinated the dispatch personally. We are extremely contended to be connected with Thirukuvalai.