TASK FORCE NEWS (12.06.2021): We have extended all our operations with a team of volunteers in Manjakuttai region beginning right from Kommakadu to CAUVERI peak. Fr. Kishore (the Parish Priest of Manjakuttai) is the coordinator and Mr. Bhaskar, the Team Leader. Mr. Deva Prakash, the Help Desk Team leader becomes a coordinator to setup similar operations in Nagalur – Kolagur – Semmanatham region. Both the teams will be functioning connected to the central operations using the same HELP LINE Numbers & getting all the moral and material support from the RETREAT – DON BOSCO. We had a meeting under the leadership of Fr. Raj Mariasusai the Rector & Director and it paved way for this extension of services and combat COVID more intensely in the hills. TEAM MANJAKUTTAI leads the way. It was amazing how the team got into COVID19 AWARENESS CAMPAIGN the very near day after the team was formed. We are grateful to Fr. Kishore and the youth volunteers for their total commitment. They will soon start the Dry Ration distribution and bringing people for testing and to COVID CARE CENTRE.