We began the third Phase of Project CALLS 2.0 on 9th & 10th of April 2021 with training on Weed, pest, Disease management, trimming and Seed Production. These two days training were given by Mr. Peter – horticulturalist, landscaping specialist and an organic farmer. He has vast experience in training people and organizing people movement. On the first day he trained the people on maintaining the plants and vegetables and he also elucidated the ways and means to protect them. He explained practically about the various diseases that affect the plants and the means to address the issue. He insisted that the plants have to be taken care as we take care of our own children. Then, the trainees clarified their doubts and were happy about their first day of experience.
On the second day, the resource person dealt on trimming and seed production. He explained to the people that the plants need to be trimmed often to make it to grow. He enumerated the ways and means of trimming and how often to trim. He told them that we can shape the plant by trimming. Then, he went on to explain seed production method i.e., how to process, harvest and store the seeds for the better production. Since, the resource person was practical in his method of explaining, most of the trainees raised lots of questions on these methods and clarified their doubts. Bro. Jerin animated the trainees with lots of party games to make them to collaborate and work. Then, recap was done by Fr. Selvakumar and an orientation was given by him about the third phase.