Calls 2.0
(COVID19 ALTERNATIVE LIVELIHOOD AND LIVING SERVICES)The Shevaroyhills tribal development institute a wing of SPS INDIA FOUNDATION, The Retreat- Don Bosco has been making lots of initiatives to better the lives of the people of Shevaroyhills and more especially during the lockdown of covid19 first wave. It has reached out to 1200 families (by providing them groceries) and 40 men and women through an innovative livelihood programme called ‘Project CALLS 1.0’. The programme aimed to train 40 people of various age groups and genders in nursery plant growing, garden care and maintenance. For the first seven days of the programme, they come for a two hours of training by the professionals in the field. The second part is a kind of on field training cum work for 14 days. During these days of training the participants get stipend of Rs 300 per day.

Again to give alternative livelihood many more tribals who have been affected by the covid19 lockdown and impacts, we have begun the ‘Project CALLS 2.0’. We aim to reach out to 80+240 people with this project. Phase one will have training for the eighty. All the eighty will be trained in Nursery plant growing with the special training by subject experts for 7 days and on-field training for 15 days. During these days of training the beneficiaries are given stipend of 300 per day. The second phase of the project is to 240 people of different villages in their locality. There will be a day of training after many field visits. The training will bring eco awareness and the need to return to nature with organic farming.
As a whole, the project aims to re-live the Chinese wisdom, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”