A heart to imitate-Oratory youngsters reach out to the poor boys
Our hearts are filled with joy by the bond of Thepakadu youngsters who went on a Social Awareness Picnic to Namakal Don Bosco Anbu illam. This was scheduled on 16th July 2023. This whole event was solely organized by youngsters. Out of their own interest on the welfare of the poor children, they willingly accepted this initiative. On 16th July around 12.00 P.m the youngsters reached the destined place. They were accompanied by two young Salesians who are responsible for the oratory; they had lunch with the boys and had a fun filled game with them. The youngsters were very happy and deeply contented with the welfare of the poor boys. Moreover, the youngsters voluntarily collected a sum of Rs.15,000/- and donated as a token of their love for the boys and for the purpose of their studies. The oratory youngsters made a great impact and also were also impacted by the boys. However, this would have not been possible without the help and the guidance of the Retreat community; hence the youngsters extended their warn gratitude to all the members of Retreat community. At last, this event was an inspiring and learning for the youngsters to care for the poor and needy. Thank you for the arrangement. Thank you!